Complaints Policy
Matthew’s Hub is committed to providing a high quality, honest and accessible service to our members and everyone we deal with. To do this we need to know when we get things wrong. We listen to complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them so that we can improve the services we provide.
What is a complaint?
A complaint can be generally defined as an expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not. The expression of dissatisfaction, however made, may be about actions taken or a lack of action.
This policy covers complaints about:
- The standard of service you should expect from Matthew’s Hub
- The behaviour of our staff in delivering that service
Our complaints policy does not cover:
- Matters that have already been fully investigated through this complaints procedure
- Anonymous complaints
Our standards for handling complaints:
- Complaints can be made via letter, email or phone call.
- We treat all complaints seriously.
- You can expect to be treated with courtesy, respect and fairness. We expect that you will also treat Matthew’s Hub staff dealing with your complaint with the same courtesy, respect and fairness.
- We will treat your complaint in confidence.
- We will deal with your complaint promptly. We will acknowledge receipt of a complaint within 5 working days and you can expect to have a full reply within 15 working days. In some cases, we will not be able to provide a full reply within 15 working days, for example if the complaint is very complex. If this happens, we will let you know when we will be able to provide a full reply and will keep you informed of progress.
How to complain to us
If you wish to make a complaint you can do so by phone call on 01482 221028, email or, or via a letter. Our address is: Matthew’s Hub, Unit 323 Arthur Street, Hull, HU3 6BH
How we respond to complaints:

Complaints procedure
Matthew’s Hub has a two-stage complaints procedure, as shown above. At each stage it will help us to resolve your complaint quickly if you can give us as much detail and clarity as possible.
Step 1
This is the first opportunity for us to resolve your complaint. We expect most complaints to be resolved at this stage. At this stage your complaint will be handled by our Service Manager and/or Chief Executive.
Step 2
If you are dissatisfied with the response at step 1, you may request a review. This will be carried out by Matthew’s Hub trustees.
Ensuring support for all those involved in complaints and their management
Support needs to be made available for both complainants and those complained about. Making a complaint can be stressful, tiring and time-consuming; equally, being the focus of a complaint can be stressful, upsetting and anxiety-provoking.
Matthew’s Hub takes both comments about our service (compliments and complaints) very seriously, and will always support staff and members involved.
Matthew’s Hub will make support available to complainants on request.
Ensuring complaints are managed effectively:
- Ideally, complaints will be dealt with locally wherever possible (i.e. where the complaint is made).
- Matthew’s Hub has a multi-stage complaints procedure.
- Complaints should initially be dealt with at “Step 1” by Service Manager (Kath) or Chief Executive (Gill). If the complainant is unhappy with the Level 1 outcome and wishes to appeal to “Step 2”, the complaint should then be handled by Matthew’s Hub trustees.
- A swift response, acknowledging the complaint and telling the complainant how and when Matthew’s Hub will deal with their complaint with clear and realistic timescales will help manage the complainant’s expectations.
- Matthew’s Hub will ask the complainant, at the earliest possible stage, what they want as an outcome of their complaint. Matthew’s Hub will aim to provide this outcome wherever possible and appropriate. If it is not possible, or it is inappropriate, to provide the desired outcome, Matthew’s Hub will offer an outcome that is deemed proportionate to the complaint.
Ensuring the charity benefits by learning from complaints:
Matthew’s Hub will record the number complaints received, what the complaints are about and the outcome. Matthew’s Hub can then use this information to reflect on and improve the service it provides.
Complainants can provide feedback about their experience and the outcome of the complaint.
The Matthew’s Hub Complaints Policy and Procedure will be reviewed regularly to ensure best practice in complaints management.
Last reviewed: 10/11/2021
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